Meet The Team

Dr. Vladimir John

Vladimir John holds a Bachelor Degree in General Medicine, and is currently pursuing his Master Degree in Public Health. Before becoming Hope of a Nation’s Medical Services Director, he served as Coordinator of Pediatric Emergency Services at a Mozambican hospital, worked with World Vision as a Health Officer, served as a Senior Health Assistant for Doctors Without Borders as a part of their Cyclone Idai relief effort, and more recently served as Health Project Manager with IOM-United Nations in a project aimed at improving Mozambique’s response during public health emergencies.

His passion is to improve the quality of life for his fellow Mozambicans. Through Hope of a Nation, he envisions offering public health education programs that promote general health and wellness, personal hygiene, and disease prevention. He also hopes to increase accessible medical care to people living in rural communities and enjoys serving these individuals through mobile medical outreaches.

Vladimir is a member of Tree of Life Church, and lives with his wife, Marciana, and daughter in Dondo, Mozambique.

Some of Our Partnering Organizations
Working Together to Change Lives
Grace Community Assembly in Branson, Missouri Jubilee Worship Center in Harrison, Arkansas Caring for Orphans Mozambique in Temecula, California Hope House Children's Homes in Reeds Spring, Missouri Siloam Mountain Jr School in Uganda, Africa Young Africa in Mozambique, Africa Sofala Department of Agriculture